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Gavyamart Gomay Dantmanjan

Gavyamart Gomay Dantmanjan

Regular price Rs. 60.00 INR
Regular price Sale price Rs. 60.00 INR
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An Exclusive Ayurved Product For White, Strong Teeth & Gums. It roots out all the dental problems like pioria, gingivitis, bad odour in gums if it is used everyday.

Dant Manjan is a unique composition that helps you fight every bit of dental problems. All ayurvedic ingredients present in this dant manjan effectively fix all your dental problems. Regular use of this dant manjan can help in toothache, pyorrhea, boils, swollen gums and cavity.

PATHMEDA DANT MANJAN is one of the best tooth powder for all who have tried almost everything but are still tired of bad breath and tooth ache. Try this 100% Ayurvedic Dant Manjan as this has all new experience. It will change the way you brush your teeth.

What does it do?

  • Useful Product for White, Strong Teeth & Gums
  • Useful in all dental problems like Pyorrhea, sensitivities, bad odor in gums if it is used everyday
  • Helps you get strong gums, keeps bad breath away. Highly effective in pyorrhea, bleeding gums, teeth sensitivity, tooth decay

What make it so good

  • It's 100% natural, no chemicals or added preservatives.
  • Its as safe as you can use it as your fruit masala salt
  • No problem if intake or swallowed

How to use-

  • Massage gently with middle finger or index finger.
  • After 3 to 5 minutes of massage, pour some water in mouth and gargle it.
  • You should also do it before retiring to bed at night.


  • Useful Product for White, Strong Teeth & Gums
  • Useful in all dental problems like Pyorrhea, sensitivities, bad odor in gums if it is used everyday
  • Helps you get strong gums, keeps bad breath away. Highly effective in pyorrhea, bleeding gums, teeth sensitivity, tooth decay
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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Dant Manjan?

Dant Manjan is a special kind of tooth powder made from natural ingredients using Ayurvedic methods. It aims to promote white, strong teeth and healthy gums while addressing common dental issues like pyorrhea, sensitivities, and bad odor in gums.

Is Dant Manjan safe to use?

Yes, Dant Manjan is presented as a 100% natural product with no added chemicals or preservatives. It is safe as you can use it as your fruit masala salt. There is no problem if the product is ingested or swallowed.

How to use this?

To use Dant Manjan, Massage gently with middle finger or index finger.After 3 to 5 minutes of massage, pour some water in mouth and gargle it. You should also do it before retiring to bed at night.
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